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Application for health insurance

Apply for health insurance

Processing of personal data for applications for health insurance

The applicant confirms with his signature that the information contained in the application is correct. The processing of personal data in connection with the case is complied with the provisions of Article 50 of the Act No. 112/2008 on health insurance, the provisions of Act No. 90/2018 on personal protection and the processing of personal data and the law No. 97/1997 on the rights of patients, when applicable. All information related to the application is treated as confidential.

When processing personal data, appropriate technical and organisational measures are taken to ensure the security of the data. The exchange of data is carried out through secure web portals, according to Article 50 of Act No. 112/2008. Case data will be stored in Iceland Health secure operational environment. The preservation of data is governed by Act No. 77/2014 on Public Archives.

Further information on the processing of personal data by Iceland Health and personal data protection can be found in the Data Protection Policy of the Icelandic Health Insurance.

Gathering information:

In processing an application for health insurance, the health insurance industry will obtain information, if deemed necessary, from the following institutions:

Directorate of Labour:

  • Information on unemployment benefits

  • Information on unemployment benefits abroad (U2 certificate)

  • Information on departure from another country to Iceland: Right to unemployment benefits (U1 certificate)

Iceland Revenue and Customs:

  • Tax payment information (month/year)

  • Name of the employer

Social Insurance Administration:

  • Disability assessment information (status)

  • Information on old-age pension payments

Registers Iceland

  • Name, ID number and address information

  • Information on children and spouses

  • Information on the last country of residence

  • Information on when the person was registered in the country

The data collection is based on Article 34(3) of Act No. 112/2008 on Health Insurance and Article 3 of Act No. 70/2018 on the National Registry of Iceland.

In individual cases, it may be necessary to obtain information from the health insurance institution of the country of previous residence on periods of insurance from the country of previous insurance (EEA State), if such information is available.

Sharing information

Iceland Health will share information on the outcome of a case, i.e. information on whether or not the applicant is covered by health insurance, to health care providers of the Social Insurance Administration and other institutions, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9, paragraphs 5 to 1, of Act No. 90/2018.

More about the application process

If it turns out that it is not possible to make a decision on the right to benefits, the amount and payment of benefits and their revision due to the lack of necessary information attributable to the applicant, the health insurance institution is authorized to postpone the decision and payment of benefits until the matter is resolved. The institution shall immediately notify the person in case of a postponement and challenge him to provide the necessary information, cf. Paragraph 5 Article 34 Act no. 112/2008 on health insurance.

Apply for health insurance

Service provider

Ice­land Health

Apply for health insurance