On this page
Tanja Tzoneva Local unit: E-mail: . A certified court interpreter and document translator from Bulgarian into Icelandic and Icelandic in Bulgarian.
Íris Lilliendahl Activity Centre: Laufrima 28, 0201, 112 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 899 4219. Authorised translator between the following languages: Bulgarian, English, Russian, Swedish and German. The authorisation does not cover translations from or in Icelandic.
Aldís Sigurðardóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Danish.
Auður Hauksdóttir Activity Centre: Breiðvangur 66, 220 Hafnarfjörður. E-mail address: . A certified court interpreter and document translator from Danish into Icelandic and Icelandic in Danish.
Elín S. Konráðsdóttir Activity Centre: Urriðakvísl 15, 110 Reykjavík. Phone: 864 4795, home. 567 1705. A certified court interpreter and document translator from Danish into Icelandic and Icelandic in Danish.
Halldóra Jónsdóttir Activity Centre: Þórsgata 19, 101 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 562 4209 and 8994209. A certified court interpreter and document translator from Danish into Icelandic and Icelandic in Danish.
Helga Guðmundsdóttir Activity Centre: Gilsárteigi 2, 701 Egilsstaðir. E-mail address: . A certified court interpreter and document translator from Danish into Icelandic and Icelandic in Danish.
Lovísa Kristjánsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Magnús Guðnason Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from Danish into Icelandic.
María Sveinsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from Danish into Icelandic.
Níels Rask Vendelbjerg Working station: Njörvassund 32, 104 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 898 7889. A certified court interpreter and document translator from Danish into Icelandic and Icelandic in Danish.
Pétur Rasmussen Activity Centre: Sólheimar 23, 7A, 104 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: +354-553 2858, Mobil: +354-822 0645. A certified court interpreter and document translator from Danish into Icelandic and Icelandic in Danish.
Salvör Aradóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment not available. A certified translator of documents from Danish into Icelandic.
Valdemar Pálsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment not available. A certified court interpreter and document translator from Danish into Icelandic and Icelandic in Danish.
Þórhalla Valdimarsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Agnes M. Vogler Local unit: Information on the local unit is not available. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Anna Benassí Local Government Office: Lindarbraut 2a, 170 Seltjarnarnes. Telephone: 562 6636, GSM 895 1958. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Anna Heiða Pálsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Anna Hólmfríður Yates Activity Centre: Information on the establishment not available.
Ágústa H. Lyons Flosadóttir Activity Centre: Drápuhlíð 39, 105 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 857 2179 and 1-619-591-8816. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Árni Ísaksson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Ásgeir Gunnar Ásgeirsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Ásmundur Guðmundsson Activity Centre: Kóngsbakka 16, 109 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Björn Ingi Finsen Working Station: Heiðarbraut 38b, 300 Akranes. E-mail address: . A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Björn Matthíasson Activity Centre: Suðurbraut 6, 220 Hafnarfjörður. E-mail address: . Phone: 555 3035 and 847 5682. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into English.
Arnar Finnbogason Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Dögg Guðmundsdóttir Activity Centre: Grandavegur 4, 107 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Einar B. Kristjánsson Activity Centre: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Reykjavík. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Ellen Ingvadóttir Activity Centre: Skipholt 50b, 105 Reykjavík. Telephone 562 6588, GSM 897 2717. E-mail address: . A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Gauti Kristmannsson Dr. phil Activity Centre: Reykjavík/Berlin. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Guðmundur Eiríksson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Guðmundur Þ. Sigurðarson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Guðrún Finnbogadóttir, Centre for Working and Employment: E-mail address: . A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Guðrún Margot Ólafsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Gunnar Snorri Gunnarsson Activity Centre: Embassy of Iceland in Berlin. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Gunnar Tómasson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment not available.
Gunnhildur Stefánsdóttir, Centre for Working and Employment: E-mail address: A certified translator from English into Icelandic.
Halldór Ármannsson Activity Centre: Fellsmúli 10, 108 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phones: 5535228, 8965257. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Hallfríður Helgadóttir Activity Centre: Háún 35, 105 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Haukur Ingason Activity Centre: Ministry for Foreign Affairs. E-mail address: . Phone: 618 9737. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Helga Kristín Einarsdóttir Activity Centre: Brussels. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Hjördís Isabella Kvaran Activity Centre: Freyjugata 9, 101 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Hjörtur Torfason Activity Centre: Hávallagata 1, 101 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Cases: 892 3518, Hs: 552 3518. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Hlín Hjartar Magnúsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Hrafn Arnórsson Activity Centre: Hraunbraut 14, 200 Kópavogur. Phone: 5641084, 8458084. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Ian Watson Ph.D. Local unit: Sebastian-Schertlin-Str. 6, 89349 Burtenbach, Germany. Homepage: . Phone: +49 8285 406 0266. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into English.
Ingvar H. Eggertsson Activity Centre: Klappakór 1a, 203 Kópavogur. E-mail address: . Phone: 867 4612. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Íris Lilliendahl Activity Centre: Laufrima 28, 0201, 112 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 899 4219. Authorised translator between the following languages: Bulgarian, English, Russian, Swedish and German. The authorisation does not cover translations from or in Icelandic.
Jakob R. Möller Activity Centre: Information on the establishment not available.
Jeffrey M. Cosser Activity Centre: Hlíðavegur 25, 200 Kópavogur. Phone number 557 4076. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Jóhanna Jakobsdóttir Activity Centre: Stigahlíð 79, 105 Reykjavík. E-mail: johanna@jakobsdottir.com tel: 863 1109 Authorised translator from Icelandic into English and English in Icelandic
Jón Snorri Ásgeirsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Jón Pétur Friðriksson, Centre for Working and Pensions: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Jón Ásgeir Sigurvinsson, Activity: Stafholt, 311 Borgarnes. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Dr Jón Skaptason Operations Centre: Eistorgi 17, 170 Seltjarnarnes. E-mail address: . Telephone number 552 6664 and 897 6461. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Jóna Dóra Óskarsdóttir, Activity Centre: 9, rue Perrier, 71000 Mâcon, France. Internet addresses: and . A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Jónína Margrét Guðnadóttir Activity Centre: Fiskakvísl 13, 110 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Telephone: 567 1969 and 695 1745. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Keneva Kunz Local Government Office: Scriptorium ehf., Lundi 23, 200 Kópavogur. E-mail address: . Phone: (354) 562 7504 and (354) 898 7966. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Kornelíus Sigmundsson Activity Centre: Víkurströnd 3, 170 Seltjarnarnes. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Kristína Lentz E-mail: kristina.h.lentz@gmail.com telephone: 777 0905. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into English.
Lisa K. Yoder Local unit: No information on the local unit available. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Louis Emil Kaaber Activity Centre: Clock Country, 471 Parliament. Phone: 861 8304. E-mail address: . A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Margrét Guðlaugsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Melih Bahadir Akbulut Activity: Police E-mail: Authorised translator between English and Turkish. Does not cover translations from or in Icelandic.
Ólafur Rafn Jónsson Activity Centre: Aude Sapere slf., Þingvallastræti 22, 600 Akureyri. E-mail address: . Telephone and fax: 462 3430. Mobile phone: 659 4831. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Páll Hermannsson Working Centre: Nesvegur 63, 107 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Paul Richardson Working Centre: Writing ehf., Grenimel 24, 107 Reykjavík. Phone: 899 9231. E-mail address: . Website: . A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Pétur Knútsson Activity Centre: West Coast 2, 170 Seltjarnarnes. E-mail address: . A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Peter H. Snæland Local unit: Information on the establishment not available.
Philip Vogler Activity Centre: Dalskógar 12, 700 Egilsstaðir. E-mail address: . Phone: 471 2190. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Rafn Kjartansson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment not available.
Ragnheiður M. Guðmundsdóttir Workplace: Information on the workplace is not available.
Saga Kjartansdóttir Activity Centre: Grettisgata 58a, 101 Reykjavík. E-mail: sagakjart@gmail.com Authorised translator from English to Icelandic
Sigfríður Gunnlaugsdóttir Activity Centre Fagraþingi 3, 203 Kópavogur. E-mail: Vidimelur32@simnet.is, telephone: 551 3997. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into English.
Sigmundur Böðvarsson Activity Centre: Hraunbær 190, 110 Reykjavík. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Sigrún Klara Hannesdóttir Activity Centre: Espigerði 4, 108 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Telephone: 562 0950, GSM 866 0950. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Sigrún Harðardóttir Working position: 273 Railton Road, London SE24 0LY, England. E-mail address: . Mobile phone: 00 44 (0)78 5323 4514. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Sigurjón Halldórsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Sigvaldi Friðgeirsson Activity Centre: Suðurlandsbraut 60, 108 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: +354-892-9675. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Símon Vestarr Hjaltason, Lækjarás 14, 110 Reykjavík. E-mail: telephone: 697 9403. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Steinunn Anna Einarsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment not available.
Sverrir Konráðsson Activity Centre: Kjarrmóar 36, 210 Garðabær / Ármúli Transportation Office 2, 108 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 663 5618. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Sölvi Eysteinsson Activity Centre: Vatnsstígur 17, 302, 101 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phones: 551 4029 and 899 9730. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Tryggvi Þórhallsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Uggi Jónsson Activity Centre: Hands and Words ehf., Sólvallagata 35, 101 Reykjavík. Phone: 453 5018. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Vilhelm Steinsen Working Centre: Nesvegur 56, 107 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 562 6204. A certified court interpreter and document translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Þorleifur Jónsson Activity Centre: Reykás 10, 110 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Þorvaldur Friðriksson Activity Centre: Njörvassund 16, 104 Reykjavík. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Þór Tryggvason Activity Centre: Hörgshlíð 6, 105 Reykjavík. E-mail address: A certified translator from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Þórgunnur Skúladóttir Activity Centre: Hjarðarhaga 54, 107 Reykjavík. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic and Icelandic in English.
Ölvir Gíslason Local Government Office: Tel. 604 5011. A certified translator of documents from English into Icelandic.
Borthwick S. Kjærnested Local unit: Finland. Working facilities in Iceland: Reykjavík Academy, JL-húsið v/Hringbraut, 107 Reykjavík. Telephone 552 1984, GSM 898 0359. A certified translator of documents from Finnish into Icelandic and Icelandic in Finnish.
Málfríður Kristjánsdóttir Activity Centre: Háún 41, 105 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phones: 863 7482 and 552 2711. A certified translator of documents from Finnish into Icelandic.
Björn Jónsson Activity Centre: Skútuvogur 13, 104 Reykjavík. E-mail: Phone: 692 0431. A certified court interpreter and a translator from French into Icelandic and Icelandic in French.
Edda Regína Harðardóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Gunnar Jónsson Activity Centre: Krosshömrum 29, 112 Reykjavík. A certified court interpreter and a translator from French into Icelandic and Icelandic in French.
Héðinn Jónsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Hrafnhildur Kristín Jónsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from French into Icelandic.
Ólöf K. Pétursdóttir Activity Centre: France. E-mail address: . Phones: +354 771 7228, +33 (0) 6 11 05 1771. A certified court interpreter and a translator from French into Icelandic and Icelandic in French.
Petri Rós Karlsdóttir Working Centre: Snorrabraut 65, 105 Reykjavík. Phone: 551 1296 and 698 3396. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from French into Icelandic.
Reynir Heiðar Antonsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment not available.
Róbert Guillemette Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into French.
Sigurjón Halldórsson Activity Centre: Reykjavík. E-mail: Phone: 615 1955. A certified court interpreter and document translator in French into Icelandic and Icelandic in French.
Sæmundur G. Halldórsson Working position: Dunhagi 15, 107 Reykjavík; Internet address: ; Tel. 894 0794. A certified court interpreter and a translator from French into Icelandic and Icelandic in French.
Torfi Tulinius Activity Centre: Information on the establishment not available.
Þóra Guðnadóttir Activity Centre: Nesvegur 56, 107 Reykjavík. E-mail address: thora@transrek.net Phone: 899 2403. A certified court interpreter and a translator from French into Icelandic and Icelandic in French.
Karólína Geirsdóttir Activity Centre: Reykjavegur 52, 270 Mosfellsbær. E-mail address: . Phone: 661 8958. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Dutch.
Elena Musitelli Working Centre: Njálsgata 55, 101 Reykjavík. Phone: 552 6197 and 699 6197. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Italian.
Ingólfur Klausen Activity Centre: Dunhaga 23, 107 Reykjavík. Phone: 864 3663. E-mail address: . Authorised interpreters and translators from Italian into Icelandic and Icelandic into Italian.
Paolo Maria Turchi Local unit: Information on local unit not available. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Italian.
Dens Dimins Workplace: A doctoral student at UI. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Latvian.
Lauma Gulbe Phone: 849 8697 E-mail: lauma.gulbe@gmail.com. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Latvian.
Auðunn Finnsson Activity Centre: Bjørkeveien 9, 3300 Hokksund, Norway. E-mail address: . Phone: +47 905 98 513. A certified court interpreter and document translator from Norwegian into Icelandic and Icelandic in Norwegian.
Björn S. Stefánsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Gro Tove Sandsmark Place of business: information on the establishment not available. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Norwegian.
Guðrún Margot Ólafsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Per Roald Landrö Cand. philol. Centre of operations: Central Park 11, 220 Hafnarfjörður. Internet addresses: and . Phone: 897 9140. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Norwegian.
Tryggvi Gíslason magister Establishment: Blásölum 22, 201 Kópavogur. E-mail address: . Phone: 896 9638. A certified translator of documents from Norwegian into Icelandic.
Leyla Eve Gharavi Activity Centre: Dalaland 11, 108 Reykjavík, Pósthólf 8000, 128 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phones: +(354) 691-0691 / 822-2879 / UK branch: Cambridge +(44) 7437 401032. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Persian.
Luciano Domingues Dutra Activity Centre: Þórsgata 20, 101 Reykjavík. Phone: +354 824 7141. E-mail address: and . A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Portuguese.
Dariusz A. Sobczynski Activity site: Information on the site is not available.
Dominika Anna Madajczak Centre for Work: E-mail: . Phone: 848 8454. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Polish.
Jaroslaw Dudziak Activity Centre: Þóristúni 22, 800 Selfoss. E-mail address: . Phone: 695 2436. A certified translator of Polish into Icelandic and Icelandic in Polish.
Joanna Ewa Dominiczak Activity Centre: Ægissíða 50, 107 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 773 4030. A certified translator from Polish to Icelandic.
Karol Walejko, Furugrund 40, 200 Kópavogur site. E-mail: nexa@nexa.is. telephone: 863 8957. A certified translator of documents from Polish into Icelandic.
Olga Holownia Local unit: Information on the local unit is not available. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Polish.
Stanislaw J. Bartoszek Working station: Starmýri 2, 108 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 699-7929. A certified court interpreter and document translator from Polish into Icelandic and Icelandic in Polish.
Alevtina Druzina Activity Centre: Mávahlíð 3, 105 Reykjavík. Tel.: 552 1774, gsm: 692 1811. E-mail address: . Authorised court interpreters and document translators from Russian into Icelandic and Icelandic in Russian.
Guðrún Finnbogadóttir, Centre for Working and Employment: E-mail address: . Authorised court interpreters and document translators from Russian into Icelandic and Icelandic in Russian.
Hallveig Thorlacius Activity Centre: Information on the establishment not available.
Helga Tatjana Zharov Activity Centre: Information on the establishment not available. Authorised court interpreters and document translators from Russian into Icelandic and Icelandic in Russian.
Hildur Hafstaðir establishment: Information on the establishment is not available.
Ingibjörg Hafstaðir establishment: Information on the establishment is not available.
Íris Lilliendahl Activity Centre: er Laufrima 28, 0102, 112 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 899 4219. Authorised translator between the following languages: Bulgarian, English, Russian, Swedish and German. The authorisation does not cover translations from or in Icelandic.
Mikhail Timofeev Centre for Work: E-mail: . Authorised court interpreters and document translators from Russian into Icelandic and Icelandic in Russian.
Níels Rúnar Gíslason, Activity: Russian interpreters. E-mail: Phone: 699 8830. A certified translator of documents from Russian into Icelandic.
Páll Sigurðsson Activity Centre: Litla-Sandvík, 801 Selfoss. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from Russian into Icelandic.
Yelena Sesselja Helgadóttir, Centre for Working and Working: E-mail: . Phone: 698 0823. Authorised court interpreters and document translators from Russian into Icelandic and Icelandic in Russian.
Tatjana Latinovic Activity Centre: Traðarland 2, 108 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 562 8455. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Serbian.
Brynhildur Björnsdóttir, Centre for Working and Employment: E-mail: . A certified translator of documents from Spanish into Icelandic.
Fabio Teixido Benedi A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Spanish.
Gerður Gestsdóttir Activity Centre: Reykjavík. A certified translator of documents from Spanish into Icelandic.
Hrafnhildur Ósk Eiríksdóttir, Centre for Working and Development: Spain. E-mail: hildy1309@gmail.com . A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Spanish and Spanish into Icelandic.
Loftur Melberg Sigurjónsson Activity Centre: Norðurbakka 7b apartment 304, 220 Hafnarfjörður. E-mail address: . Mobile phone: 863 2448. Home telephone: 555 0008. A certified translator of documents from Spanish into Icelandic and Icelandic in Spanish.
Steinar V. Árnason, cand. mag., a certified translator of documents and interpreters from Spanish into Icelandic and Icelandic into Spanish have mostly ceased to translate and interpret. No information on the local unit available.
Þórður Örn Sigurðsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Árni Gunnarsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Emil Bjarni Karlsson Working Centre: Brekkutún 11, 200 Kópavogur. Phone: 822 1203. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from Swedish into Icelandic.
Gunnar Benediktsson Centre for Workplace Services: Information on the establishment is not available.
Ingegerd H. S. Narby Centre of Operations: E-mail: . A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Swedish.
Íris Lilliendahl Activity Centre: Laufrima 28, 0201, 112 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 899 4219. Authorised translator between the following languages: Bulgarian, English, Russian, Swedish and German. The authorisation does not cover translations from or in Icelandic.
Jón Thordarson Activity Centre: Klapparstígur 1, 101 Reykjavík. Phone: 560 6280 and 865 6428. E-mail address: . Authorised court interpreters and document translators from Swedish into Icelandic and Icelandic in Swedish.
Þorleifur Hauksson Activity Centre: Reykjavík Academy, Hringbraut 121, 101 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from Swedish into Icelandic.
Melih Bahadir Akbulut Activity: Police E-mail: Authorised translator between English and Turkish. Does not cover translations from or in Icelandic.
Halldór Nguyen Activity Centre: Norðurbrún 4, 104 Reykjavik. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into Vietnamese.
Auður Gestsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Ásmundur Guðmundsson Activity Centre: Kóngsbakka 16, 109 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . A certified court interpreter and translator from German into Icelandic and Icelandic in German.
Christiane L. Bahner Working station: West Garðasauka, 861 Hvolsvöllur. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into German.
Eiríkur Magnússon Activity Centre: Randevägen 15, 74381 Bälinge, Sweden. E-mail: Phone: +46 708 581406. A certified translator of documents from German into Icelandic and Icelandic in German.
Elísa Björg Þorsteinsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Guðmundur Ólafsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Guðrún Finnbogadóttir, Centre for Working and Employment: E-mail address: . A certified court interpreter and translator from German into Icelandic and Icelandic in German.
Guðrún Hrefna Guðmundsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from German into Icelandic.
Helmut Helgi Hinrichsen Activity Centre: Kaplaskjólsvegur 31, 107 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into German.
Íris Lilliendahl Activity Centre: Laufrima 28, 0201, 112 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 899 4219. Authorised translator between the following languages: Bulgarian, English, Russian, Swedish and German. The authorisation does not cover translations from or in Icelandic.
Jens Ruminy Activity Centre: Víðihlíð 38, 105 Reykjavík. Dipl.sc.pol.Univ. (Politician). E-mail address: . Tel.: (+354) 820 2910. A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into German.
Jóhann Guðnason Activity Centre: Kvisthaga 9, 107 Reykjavík. Phone: +354-842 2552. E-mail address: . A certified court interpreter and translator from German into Icelandic and Icelandic in German.
Magnús Diðrik Baldursson Activity Centre: Ásvallagata 64, 101 Reykjavík. Telephone 551 9199, 863 4678. E-mail address: . A certified court interpreter and translator from German into Icelandic and Icelandic in German.
Dr Marion Lerner Centre of Operations: E-mail: . A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into German.
Pétur Eiríksson Local unit: Information on the local unit is not available.
Pétur Urbancic Activity Centre: Goðheimar 8, 104 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Telephone 553 7673 and GSM 699 7673. A certified court interpreter and translator from German into Icelandic and Icelandic in German.
Renate Jóhanna Einarsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment not available.
Sabine Leskopf Working station: Langholtsvegur 87, 104 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . A certified translator of documents from Icelandic into German.
Stefan Jónsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from German into Icelandic.
Steinunn Stefánsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Svavar Lárusson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available. A certified translator of documents from German into Icelandic.
Sæmundur G. Halldórsson Activity: establishment: ; Dunhagi 15, 107 Reykjavík; Internet address: ; Tel. 894 0794. A certified court interpreter and translator from German into Icelandic and Icelandic in German.
Vetturliði Guðnason Activity Centre: Freyjugata 11a, 101 Reykjavík. E-mail address: . Phone: 562 1280. A certified court interpreter and translator from German into Icelandic and Icelandic in German.
Vilborg A. Ísleifsdóttir Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Örn S. Þorleifsson Activity Centre: Information on the establishment is not available.
Service provider
District Commissioner of Westman Islands