All women aged 40-74 in Iceland are invited to breast cancer screening.
Breast cancer screening is an effective way to reduce the mortality rate of the disease. Early diagnosis increases the likelihood of the disease being localised and not spreading to other body parts.
The invitation to the screening comes from the Cancer Screening Coordination Center (Samhæfingarstöð krabbameinsskimana), but Landspítali University Hospital and the Akureyri Hospital (Sjúkrahúsið á Akureyri) provide breast cancer screening.
The age group 40-69 years receives an invitation for screening every two years.
The age group 70-74 years receives an invitation for screening every three years.
Asymptomatic women 40 to 74 years old can make an appointment for breast cancer screening.
Appointments at Breast Centre (Brjóstamiðstöð Landspítali) by phone 543 9560 between 8:30 and 12:00 and 13:00 and 15:30 every weekday. E-mail can also be sent with ID number (kennitala) to
In Reykjavík, breast cancer screening takes place in the Breast Centre (Brjóstamiðstöð), located on the 3rd floor of Eiríksgata 5, 105 Reykjavík. More information: Breast cancer screening in Landspítali (Icelandic)
In Akureyri, the service is located at the Akureyri Hospital, Eyrarlandsvegur, entrance C.
Breast cancer screening is an examination of asymptomatic women.
Breast cancer screening is done by X-raying both breasts. Radiographers perform the examination, while radiologists examine the images. The woman is called in for a closer look if any changes are noted in the x-ray.
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Breast cancer screening is not recommended for asymptomatic women during pregnancy and not until three months after breastfeeding is completed.
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Women with breast implants may undergo general screening.
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Suppose a woman experiences breast symptoms such as a lump in the breast, indented skin or nipple, bloody or clear discharge from the nipple, or pain or tenderness in the breast. In that case, she is advised to see a physician, who will send a referral for further examination. If a woman is concerned and requests a breast examination before the defined screening age, the physician assesses whether there is a reason for the examination.
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If cancer is suspected after the screening, you will receive an invitation for a further examination (special examination of the breasts) (Icelandic) within 14 days.
A physician performs such examination, usually by palpation of the chest, new X-rays are taken, an ultrasound performed and a biopsy is taken if necessary.
If you opt out of a special examination of the breasts, you will still receive an invitation to a new breast cancer screening after 2 years.
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There are no signs of cancer: Nothing abnormal was found in your breasts. You will be invited to the screening again after two years.
You have cancer: If breast cancer is diagnosed, you will be referred to physicians at Landspítali for further treatment.
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Women with a BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation are at increased risk of developing breast cancer. Women with these mutations are, on average, younger at diagnosis than other women diagnosed with breast cancer. These women start breast cancer screening earlier and have X-rays every six months at Landspítali. They should not be included in the general screening program. Only 5-10% of all breast cancers are genetic.
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Women who have had a preventive mastectomy on both breasts do not receive an invitation to breast cancer screening, since all breast tissue has been removed.
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Women who have had breast cancer are supervised by an oncologist/surgeon for five years following treatment, according to the procedures of Landspítali.
After that time, they go back into the general screening program.
Women who have not reached screening age five years after receiving cancer treatment remain on annual screening/mammography until they reach screening age.
Women who have had breast cancer receive an invitation to be screened until the age of 79.