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Residence permit for spouse

Residence permit for spouse


All applicants for a residence permit must

  • prove their identity with a passport, valid at least 90 days beyond the validity of the permit applied for,

  • give correct information about their purpose of stay in Iceland

  • meet the following basic requirements

Special requirements for a spouse permit

  • You were 18 or older when you got married or started cohabitation.

  • You are married to or in cohabitation with an individual that lives in Iceland and meets the requirements below.

  • If you apply on the basis of cohabitation, you must have lived with your spouse for at least one year before applying.

  • You will have a permanent address at the same place as your spouse.

  • The marriage meets the requirements for registration according to the law on legal domicile.

  • Granting you a residence permit must not violate the conditions of your spouse's residence permit.

Requirements that your spouse must meet

  • Your spouse must consent to you being issued a residence permit in Iceland based on your family ties.

Reasons for rejection

Residence permit for spouse