Reporting of a serious unexpected incident in the welfare services
Anyone providing services under the supervision of the Welfare Quality and Inspection Authority shall record any unforeseen incidents. An unforeseen incident means an accident, error, omission or other incident which has caused damage to the service user or could have caused damage to the user.
When the Administration receives a report of a serious unforeseen incident, it shall initiate an investigation into the incident. The objective of this research is to seek explanations that can be used to prevent similar events from occurring. The Authority shall conclude its discussion of the incident with a report.
If an investigation leads to knowledge or arouses suspicion of criminal conduct, the Authority shall send a tip-off to the police.
If an incident is related to the provision of health services, the Directorate of Health shall inform the Directorate of Health of the incident.
Laws and rules
Notification of an unexpected incident is provided for in Article 12.
Service provider
Quality and Supervisory Authority for Welfare