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Permanent residence for family members of EEA/EFTA citizens

Permanent residence for family members of EEA/EFTA citizens

Family members of EEA/EFTA citizens acquire the right to permanent residence after five years of continuous legal residence with a residence card for family members of EEA/EFTA citizens in Iceland.

The right to permanent residence is cancelled if the person concerned resides outside of Iceland for a continuous period of more than two years.

Continuous residence

The following shall not be regarded as interruptions to continuous residence:

  • stay abroad for less than six months in total per year,

  • stay abroad for military service or

  • stay for a maximum period of one year for compelling reasons, such as pregnancy, birth, serious illness, education or vocational training or employment abroad for which the person concerned has been seconded.

Exceptions from the five year rule

Under exceptional circumstances the family member of an EEA/EFTA citizen may acquire the right to permanent residence, despite not having continuous residence for five years. This may apply if the EEA/EFTA citizen, from whom he/she derives the right to residence, has him-/herself acquired the right to permanent residence within five years, Art. 87 (3) of the Foreign Nationals Act or on the death of the EEA/EFTA citizen, Art. 87 (6).


Applications can only be submitted in paper form.

They can either be sent by regular mail to the Directorate of Immigration or delivered to the drop box in the Directorate’s reception. It is necessary to first pay the processing fee by bank transfer and submit the payment receipt with the application for confirmation, see information on how to pay the processing fee.

Directorate of Immigration (see map)
Dalvegur 18
201 Kópavogur

Applications can also be handed in and paid for in the Directorate’s reception or at the offices of District Commissioners outside the capital area.

Processing fee

The fee for the registration of the right to permanent residence is 8.000 ISK.

Residence cards are valid for five years. You do not need to reapply when the card expires, but only make a photo appointment and pay 8.000 ISK for a new card.

Supporting documents

For the registration of the right to permanent residence you must submit an application for a residence card as well as a copy of your passport's personal information page and signature page.

Permanent residence for family members of EEA/EFTA citizens