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Today marks 70 years since the first patients were checked in at the Akureyri Hospital

15th December 2023

5 years after the hospital building was completed, the first patients arrived.

SAk building 1948

In the summer of 1946, work began on the construction of a new hospital in Akureyri. Previously, the J. Gudmanns Minde hospital operated at Spítalavegur 11. The architect of the new hospital was Guðjón Samúelsson and the building was completed in 1948. The patients who were checked in were a total of 47 and the transfer took about an hour. However, the hospital was not officially put into operation and there was still a lack of staffing and equipment.

According to sources this is what was available at the new hospital:

  • 38 hospital rooms

  • 4 doctors

  • 1 medical student

  • 10 female nurses

  • 6 nursing students

  • 2 midwives

  • 17 working girls

  • 1 girl on x-ray

  • 1 girl in clinical laboratory

  • 1 part-time massage therapist

  • 1 housekeeper

  • 3 cooks

  • 1 steward

  • 3 men for various jobs

"In these 70 years, many things have changed, but some have not. Now there are more healthcare professionals treating a much larger group of patients with the latest technology and treatment options. However, the old housing is still used for inpatient wards and it is definitely time for changes.

It's admirable how resourceful staff were 70 years ago, but the same applies to staff today. The contemporary challenges after the pandemic have been challenging and call for a different working environment and better facilities for patients. The current conditions in the inpatient wards of this facility, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary, no longer meet modern requirements. However, SAk's staff must be praised for how resourceful they have been with the work environment and maintenance has been ensured as much as possible. A new inpatient wing that is now in sight is the only viable option to solve the housing problem of the existing inpatients in the oldest wing of the hospital. Akureyri Hospital wants to be able to provide a safe and efficient environment for both patients and medical staff.

We can therefore consider it a generous birthday present that preparations for the design and tendering of a new inpatient building are well under way. This is an important stage in the journey to strengthen our hospital and services to society as a whole." Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir, CEO of SAk.

On this day, 10 years ago, Hollvinir Sak - beneficiaries of Akureyri hospital were founded. The goal of Hollvinir is to support and strengthen the hospital by raising awareness and support the hospital in any given way in cooperation with the hospital's executive board.

The foundation provides fundraising activities for the acquisition of equipment.

More about the Hollvinir here: