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The Science Day programme is packed with touches

20th September 2024

The Scientific Day of the Institute of Health Sciences at the University of Akureyri and the Akureyri Hospital took place yesterday, September 19, in the meeting room Kjarni and in a stream.

Vísindadagurinn 2024

The science day was held for the 15th time and the agenda was ambitious and varied. The theme was: The prerequisites for good health care are research and development, as well as the possibilities to use new knowledge.

The honorary speaker war Dr. Árún K. Sigurðardóttir, a professor of nursing at the University of Akureyri and an expert in diabetes and chronic diseases. There were 14 lectures that shed a clear light on the intensive scientific work that takes place at SAk.

“We wanted to focus on artificial intelligence so we had three fantastic lectures from experts in the field, which definitely moved people to think about how we can better use the technology,” said Laufey Hrólfsdóttir, Head of the Department of Education and Science and lecturer at the Health Sciences Institute of Iceland, who was responsible for the day’s preparations.


Under the heading Onwards, accolades were awarded for clinical teaching at SAk, an award from the SAk Science Fund was made public and an incentive grant was granted to a young scientist at SAk.

The nominations for accreditation for clinical teaching came from students. Medical students thought the pharmaceutical department was the best for clinical teaching, while nursing students gave their vote to the general outpatient department. Students also had the opportunity to nominate outstanding teachers. The holders of accreditation are the following:

  • Oddur Ólafsson, expert in anesthesia and intensive care medicine.

  • Lovísa Guðjónsdóttir, paramedic in the psychiatric ward.

  • Sólrún Drífa Steindórsdóttir, Surgical Nurse.

Grants from the SAk Research Fund were also made public and the following projects received funding:

  • The prerequisite for good health care is research and development, as well as the ability to use new knowledge. Principal applicant: Björn Gunnarsson.

  • Pregnancy BMI, optimal gestational weight gain and maternal/birth outcomes. Principal applicant: Laufey Hrólfsdóttir.

  • Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) among 4-9 year old children in the general population. Principal applicant: Hannes Petersen.

  • Sleep quality and health of obese people. Retrospective health status study. Principal applicant: Ragnheiður Harpa Arnardóttir.

Special incentive grant for a young scientist at SAk was awarded to María Kristbjörg Árnadóttir, an expert in anesthesia and intensive care medicine, for her project Quality calls with a medical-equipped air ambulance from Akureyri. María has been studying for two years at the Scandinavian Society of Anesthesiologists (SSAI) in Critical Emergency Medicine. Part of that study was to do a research project.

The Akureyri Hospital wishes all the holders of the awards and grants a congratulatory success!