Notification process
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The planned work according to flokki B í 1. viðauka við lög um mat á umhverfisáhrifum framkvæmda og áætlana, must be notified to the Agency, which will assess in each case whether they should be subject to an environmental assessment. The same applies when the planned works are below the limit values specified in the Annex but are located in a protected area. The procedure for determining the assessment obligation for the notifiable works is as follows:
The developer shall send a notification of implementation to the organi sation, which shall decide in each case whether the implementation shall be subject to an environmental impact assessment.
In the notification, the developer states the proposed project, location and its main potential impacts and requests that the Agency decide whether the project should be subject to an environmental assessment.
The Directorate of Planning seeks comments from the commentary body according to the nature of the case at any given time, such as from the licensor or professional organisations. The developer is given the option to respond to comments before the Directorate of Planning decides whether the project should be subject to an environmental assessment. The decision of the Directorate is advertised and presented on the website of the Directorate of Planning.
If it is decided that the project needs an environmental assessment, the developer has to start environmental assessment process.
The decisions of the Organization on the obligation to evaluate projects in category B can be accessed in gagnagrunni umhverfismats.