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If a plan is subject to an environmental assessment, the public will have the opportunity to study and comment on the proposal for the plan and its environmental assessment during the presentation.
In some cases, the public will have the opportunity to study and comment on the environmental assessment profile, at the beginning of the environmental assessment work.
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Presentation and consultation of environmental assessments
Presentation and consultation of environmental assessments
Municipal planning plans (regional, central and subdivisional):
Municipalities publicly present a description of a planning project at the beginning of planning work, which specifies how they intend to comply with the environmental assessment of the planning proposal.
It gives the public the opportunity to become aware of and influence how environmental assessments are carried out.
Other programmes:
The evaluation of plans other then skipulagsáætlana sveitarfélaga is not required to be publicly available. However, there are many examples of this being done.
The public will then have the opportunity to study and influence how the environmental assessment will be carried out. Effective consultation from the earliest stages can also provide useful information to the planning authorities.
The publicity and consultation in the process of the environmental assessment will depend on the circumstances in each case, according to the description in the assessment protocol for the relevant programme.
When the final proposal for a plan and its environmental assessment is available, the plan's head is responsible for the public presentation of the proposal and the environmental assessment.
The public should be given six weeks to study the proposal and its environmental assessment and to submit comments.
The final approval of a plan shall take into account the comments received on the proposal for a plan and its environmental assessment.