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The National Bioethics Committee Frontpage
The National Bioethics Committee Frontpage

The national bioethics committee

Insurance in scientific research

According to the Act on Patient Insurance, participants in a scientific study who suffer damages in connection with a study generally have the same right to compensation for their damages as other patients.

When the Act on Patient Insurance does not apply to benefits for participants in a scientific study, researchers are generally required to purchase special insurance for participants if participation in the study involves risk.

Before granting a permit for a study, the national bioethics committee or other ethics committee examines whether appropriate guarantees are available for participants. Participants in a scientific study may obtain information on guarantees from the study sponsor or from the ethics committee that granted the study.

The National Bioethics Committee


Borgartún 21, 4th floor


+354 551 7100

kt. 680800-2510

Phone hours

From 10am to 2 pm