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New website for Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority

26th September 2023

The Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority’s website has now been moved to Í Users' needs were put first when creating the website with the aim of making relevant information more accessible.

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority logo

The decision to transfer the website to Í was made, among other things, from the point of view that the content of the website would thus become part of the central website of government institutions.

Services provided by the authority have been electronic for a long time, but this change contributes to making it possible to get all government institutions' services in one place.

It is our hope that the new website will be easier to use, and the content will be more accessible.

A review of the website’s content is still underway, and we welcome all suggestions on what can be improved to the e-mail address All suggestions will be used to make the website even better.

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authoroty

Contact us

Telephone: 440 8200


Opening hours

All weekdays from 9 to 12 and 13 to 15


Rauðarárstígur 10

105 Reykjavík

ID number: 540286-1169