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Added service to elderly living at home

19th November 2021

The aim is to support the elderly's living in private homes and reduce the workload at Landspítali's emergency department


Sjúkratryggingar and the City of Reykjavík have agreed on an extension of the service hours of the aging team SELMA and the strengthening of home nursing in the capital. SELMA is a specialized, mobile geriatric team that was set up last winter to strengthen home care services in the event of a sudden illness or deteriorating health.

The team consists of doctors and nurses. The team's services reduce the need for home care clients for hospitalization, thus reducing the workload at Landspítali. At the same time, the infrastructure of home nursing will be strengthened to be able to take care of the increase in follow-up after visits and counseling by the SELMA team. At the same time, welfare technology will be used to an increasing extent in order to support people living in their homes.

The SELMU team will now be on duty until 20 every working day and works on weekends The SELMA team's services will be increased with the change and the team's nurses and doctors will now be on duty until 20 every working day but they were until 17 before. In future, the team will also be operated on weekends and provide services in collaboration with Reykjavík's home nursing from 10-16 on Saturdays and Sundays.

María Heimisdóttir, CEO of Sjúkratryggingar Íslands: “Increased services at home through the SELMA team aim to strengthen specialized health services in homes in Reykjavík and thus support people living in their own homes. This increased in-home service reduces the need for home care clients for visits. "