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Notice of selection of tenders for joint replacement operations

15th March 2023

On 9 March, Iceland Health notified tenderers of the selection of tenders for joint replacement types that were advertised on 17 February.


Tenders from Cosan slf. and Klíníkinni ehf. were selected, as the tenders were evaluated as being most favourable for the buyer according to the selection criteria for the advertisement. When the contract award notice has been completed, a waiting period of 10 days shall take place and the final decision on the acceptance of the tender will be presented at that time.

The advertisement states the award criteria:

When selecting tenders, the most economically advantageous tender shall be taken into account. Tenders in each category will be evaluated based on the price in each type of action.

If a single valid tender is submitted with a cost estimate, all the measures will be agreed with the tenderer in question, providing that it can implement them. If more valid tenders are submitted under the cost estimate, the actions will be divided between the lowest tenderers, in a predetermined proportion, depending on the difference between tenders, cf. division in Table 1 of the advertisement.

Each category may be tendered separately. The breakdown is as indicated in the table below.


Number of hip replacements

Number of knee arthroplasty procedures

Cosan slf.



Klíníkin ehf.



The tender from Klíníkinn ehf. was taken into the number of measures that the company that had the lowest tender did not offer. Therefore, the division of actions according to Table 1 of the advertisement did not attempt.