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Risks to health from air pollution at the eruption site

3rd August 2022

Eruption has recently started in Reykjanes, in the western Merardölur valley (within the Fagradalsfjallajökull system).


Eruption has recently started in Reykjanes, in the western Merardölur valley (within the Fagradalsfjallajökull system). Lava and gas are emitted through a 300 m long fissure but no ash can be detected in the atmosphere. According to preliminary estimates the gas plume reaches an altitude of between 500 m and 1 km. The impact on air traffic is considered to be negligible. Civil protection authorities have issued a statement that infrastructure does not appear to be in danger, but people are asked to stay away from the area and consider possible gas pollution.

The Chief Epidemiologist wants to draw attention to the public educational brochure about This booklet was prepared jointly by various institutions and organisations. The booklet explains the possible effects of air pollution on human health and contains information on how to protect yourself from volcanic air pollution.

Further details are on links and instructions to related information .

The Chief Epidemiologist