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Digital Iceland

Applications for parental leave through Í

15th December 2021

A new digital application for parental leave has been in the making for a couple of years in cooperation with the Directorate of Labour. The new parents apply for parental leave or maternity/paternity grants.

To reduce the number of steps in the process and simplify the application process n a way that maximizes user experience and optimizes the processing of applications, one application is created that contains all the information needed to submit a parental leave application.

Parental leave as such is not complicated. But the application process involves the interaction of unrelated and different systems, different rights of applicants, different arrangements of applicants, external party approval in the process, and requests for further documentation after the application has been submitted. Simplifying such a system has proved difficult, but constant development and reforms allow us to move closer to the goal and we have now reached the end of this first chapter that covers over 90% of all applicants.

Large time savings and streamlining for both applicants and processors. All the data for the application is now found in one place instead of in 4-5 forms, in addition to additional data in e-mails, as has been the case. Communications between all parties through Í, regardless of where data comes from or goes. The experience of expectant parents will be better and the processing will be simpler.

The application ion Í

The development team at Aranja is working on the project in collaboration with the Directorate of Labour and Digital Iceland.