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Digital Iceland

District Commissioners website on Í

14th May 2021

The District Commissioners are the first institutions to move its website to Í The website was closed in May 2021 and all the content had been moved to a new landing page for the District Commissioners of Iceland.

The District Commissioners are the first institutions to move its website to Í The website was closed in May 2021 and all the content had been moved to a new landing page for the District Commissioners of Iceland.

Users entering will now find a new one.

The role of the site is to provide users with the most information about the organization as well as provide a platform for articles about the service it provides. Amongst other things, it states:

  • Brief description of the role of the District Commissioners

  • All articles belonging to the District Commissioners appear in the order of how much they are visited, along with powerful search functions

  • News and announcements

  • Opening hours information, telephone number, address, key e-mail addresses, and other similar information

  • Publications, Professional Councils, Data Protection Policy, and other

Their presence on Icelandic institutions is a major factor in their entry into and the framework created for sheriffs in Iceland will serve as a basis for other institutions in the future.

The platform for institutions on Í was a key factor in the District Commissioners decision on moving its website to Í and the work will be a foundation for other institutions in the future.

Stefna developed this solution in cooperation with the District Commissioners and Digital Iceland.