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Digital Iceland

Satisfaction with Í increases from year to year

6th November 2023

When developing new products and services it is important to monitor the user experience. The new Í website launched in the autumn of 2020, and new versions of Í My Pages and the Digital Mailbox have followed.

islandis_gallup 2023

When developing new products and services it is important to monitor the user experience. The new Í website launched in the autumn of 2020, and new versions of Í My Pages and the Digital Mailbox have followed.

Recently, Gallup conducted an internet survey, on the usage and attitude towards Í, Digital Mailbox and Í My pages were explored. Digital Iceland uses a variety of methods to get feedback on the digital services available to tourists and this survey is one of many where people asked about their experience.

Overall, knowledge, usage, and satisfaction are highly measured in all groups, regardless of age, residence, education, or income. The answers indicate that the digital journey of the government is on track and in line with the will and expectations of the Icelandic people.

The usage of Í by Icelanders increased to 91% and the number of those who had never heard of the website dropped from 6% to 3%.

The age group using the web at least is older people, although 80% of 65 years and older have used Í, an increase of 8% between years. In other age groups, usage varied from 91%-96%, which is also an increase from last year. If usage is examined from the perspective of residency, the rural area of Iceland uses the website the most often, although the difference is only a few percentage points compared to the capital area.

We see the same pattern on Í My pages where the percentage of users has reached 91% and has increased by 5% between years.

Knowledge and usage of the Digital mailbox increased considerably between the years 2022-2023 and went from 54% to 69%. The age group that uses the Digital mailbox the least is 65 years and older, or 45%, a 15% increase from last year. The highest usage was for 35-44 year olds, as last year, but increased to 82%.

Overall, there was not a great difference in the usage and knowledge of Í among women and men although women measured a little higher.

Satisfaction with Í is very high, with 71% of respondents satisfied with the website, and 68% satisfied with Í My pages and 69% with the Digital mailbox.

The knowledge, usage, and satisfaction of users will continue to be monitored and the results will be used in prioritizing digital projects.

The online survey was conducted by Gallup on the 11th-23rd of October 2023 for Digital Iceland. The survey was sent to 1696 people from all over the country, 18 years of age and older, randomly selected from the Gallup Opinion group. The participation rate was 50.2%.