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Digital Iceland Frontpage

Digital Iceland

Real estate at

10th December 2021

Real state owners can now access information on their real estate by logging in to Mínar síður BETA here on Í

Developments in My pages in Iceland are underway to simplify people's lives and improve digital access to public services. Real estate is the latest addition that gives property owners access to their real estate information.
The major updates being made are the transfer of current services to safer and more efficient data transmission channels while improving user experience and people's access to their own information. More and more organizations are connecting to My pages in with web services through Strauminn (X-road), which aims to transfer data but not people.
Over the next several years, natural and legal persons will see an increase in access to information and an improved interface to My Beta pages, which will eventually take over. This data will appear as specific services, like real estate, or as documents in the digital mailbox, which is also available on My pages in

Is your real estate properly registered?

Photo by Birgir Þór Harðarson.