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Digital Iceland

Older version of Í My Pages close on January 2nd 2024

16th November 2023

From the date of closing the Digital Mailbox will only be available on the new Í My Pages and in the Í app.


The end of service of older Í My pages have been ongoing for the past year. Currently, the only remaining service is the Digital Mailbox. From the date of closing the Digital mailbox will only be available on the new Í My pages and in the Í app.

A new and uppdated Í My pages is now available on Í with improvements based on the wishes of users as well as to strengthen security and accessibility. It is now possible to look up various information such as family, assets, and financial status with the government, finalize payment distribution, look up various rights such as disability as well as view personal data in the Digital Mailbox. Useful items such as passport information can also be found on Í My Pages. Through Í My Pages can control 3rd party access to the porta. Legal guardians have access to their children's information as well as personal spokesmen for disabled people.

Í My Pages as well as the Í app are constantly evolving with the needs of users in mind.

Í My Pages