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Digital Iceland

Notification of accident

29th December 2021

This is the second application made in cooperation with Icelandic Health Insurance, which was previously aired on the website. In this case, we are setting up an electronic process for reporting accidents to the Icelandic Health Insurance.


The conditions of accidents are many, the categories and subcategories are many, and the circumstances of accidents are countless. This application simplifies the process for users to report an accident, find the correct category, and ensures that all information needed is provided by the user for the notification to pass inspection.

It is not only the information about the accident, its conditions, place, and time, but also that there are numerous data to be supplied, depending on the type of accident, but all of this has to go hand in hand. These include medical certificates, death certificates, injury certificates, a conversation with the emergency department, and so on.

It was emphasised that notification of accidents could be submitted as easily as possible and as soon as possible. Therefore, it is not just the injured party who can submit a notification through the application system, but also the family member, or employer, the head of a sports club, rescue team, principal, or others applicable. In order to facilitate the submission of notification as soon as possible, the notifying party is not required to submit any supporting documents immediately but rather has the opportunity to submit the notification first and then the supporting documents later.

After submitting the notification, the notifier can see the status of the notification and what document or documents are needed to complete the notification.

In the case of a third party, this may include, as above, the employer, school administrators, sports club or rescue team officials, etc. including both the injured person or someone who represents him or her, and a third party accepting the notification in order for it to be valid. At this point, the so-called application review status is introduced. That is when the injured person or someone in charge of the situation has notified the accident, the third party is notified thereof and can enter, view and approve the notification or make a note of it in the application system. The same applies when a third party reports an accident on behalf of the injured party that the injured party must then review the notification and accept or reject it.


A big challenge here was going through all types of accidents, subtypes, and categories and guiding users in the right direction so that notifications are delivered in the right place. A lot of good work was put into this analysis with Sjúkratryggingar Íslands which results in a simple flow that puts users on the right track.

Another major challenge was the application review status, where a third party needs to be identified based on a notification that has the right to approve an application or to comment on it. This required adding functionality to the application system that had not been used before but which is very useful in this case and makes sure that the application as a whole understandably delivers its function to the users.


Firstly, savings on paper and time. The electronic process is much clearer for users and leads them down the right path, resulting in better applications.

Service owner / partner:

  • Icelandic Health Insurance

  • Digital Iceland

Development team:

  • Sendiráðið

  • Prógramm