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Digital Iceland

No new users able to sign up for the older Í authentication system

2nd May 2023

Work is underway to close older Í authentication services and closing new registrations is a part of this process.


Digital Iceland has recently been working on a Login-for-all authentication system, enabling public institutions and municipalities to identify their users with electronic IDs using a phone number, card, or app. The new authentication system will replace the older Í authentication system, but the new service is safer and more scalable, as well as building on new technology than the older one. In addition, it offers agency functionality for companies, custodial parents, and personal spokespersons for disabled individuals. A number of institutions are already using the new service with good results, for example, the new patient app of the National Hospital.

As part of this change, the older authentication system will be phased out in steps. The first step was taken on May 1st when by closing new registrations to the older authentication system. This goes equally for public and private entities.

The new system, Login-for-all, is for local authorities and institutions, so only public entities will be offered the option of transferring to this service. Private entities interested in using electronic identification to identify their customers are advised to turn to these companies:

This autumn, the deletion of older login services will continue, with public entities moving to an all-inclusive authentication being the first priority. At the beginning of 2024, support for the older service will be reduced and eventually discontinued later that year.

Further information on authentication system can be found on Í