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Digital Iceland

Newsletter January 2022

20th January 2022

2021 flew by at the speed of lightning perhaps understandably due to big projects at Digital Iceland. The beginning of a new year is a good time to pause, review what was done well in the past year.

Winter image (mobile)

Thank you 2021

2021 flew by at the speed of lightning perhaps understandably due to big projects at Digital Iceland. The beginning of a new year is a good time to pause, review what was done well in the past year. Just to name a few of the year´s biggest projects electronic registration of documents took huge leaps this year, The District Commissioners moved its website to Í, Digital parental Leave came out after thorough user testing, for the application calls for information to a number of institutions and will facilitate a number of other complex processes. A digital mailbox was also introduced during the year, and the Digital Policy for Government took effect. Although these projects to a lot of time and energy they are only a drop in the ocean, as can be seen in the attached word cloud. Still this is just a short summary of the biggest projects that were published during 2021

A more detailed list of projects along with case studies, the Icelandic Government´s digital policy, and much more can be found on Digital Iceland's website.

2022 is going to be a great year

The year ahead is where people and businesses will increasingly see tangible benefits from the digital transformation of the state. In recent years, numerous individual solutions have been identified, but this year a new generation of digital infrastructure and shared solutions will emerge from across government. For example, the implementation of the digital mailbox, joint registrations and agency systems in the state, an Í app for smartphones, and coordinated websites in various institutions in Iceland. These solutions, along with many others, will transform the experience of people and companies in government services. Together we update the state with digital solutions.

Let's talk about numbers

The number of people who used information and services from rose dramatically during the year, e.g. through the website of the District Commissioner's, new life events, application processes, and a number of user-friendly information pages. The most visited page of the year was - but this information page greatly relieved the burden on the Medical Director of Health, the civil service as well as other parties.

Development of electronic cancellations in 2021, where within a few months the digital approach overtook electronic cancellations.

There were interesting jumps in the visits to Í JA jump in May due to the arrival of the District Commissioners, the /Entry information page had a major impact on the summer months throughout the year being the year´s most visited page on Í Then the September rise is explained by the final days of the Travel Gift.

Amongst the projects at Digital Iceland these days are:

  • Electronic registration of creditors of amendments to the amendment - in production

  • App for - BETA tests

  • Notification of Accidents to Health Insurance – In Production

  • Log on to BETA My company pages

  • Log on to BETA My pages for children

  • Agency-wide system

  • Institutional connections to the Stream (X-Road)

  • Applications for public or legal aid