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Digital Iceland

Newsletter February 2022

11th February 2022

A number of new solutions were published in the first weeks of 2022.

Winter image (mobile)

A new Í system for application

With the new application system for Í, organizations can use a compatible form which significantly improves user experience. Each institution adapts the application to the services in question, provides access to the new Í payment system and can connect everything directly to its own systems through web services. Agencies can therefore put all their focus on processing applications with technical support from Digital Iceland with top notch accessibility. The new application system came out mid last year, but the first to use this service was the Icelandic Health Insurance with an application for health insurance. Each application involves streamlining of time for institutional staff as well as applicants. The following picture shows the partners who have already started implementing the new application system for their processes.

Digital parental leave

An application for digital parental leave that will soon be presented to the public is already accessible on Í Over 300 people have already applied with a new application that sends the application automatically from the applicant to another parent and from there to the employer. The application also calls for information on income and date of birth automatically through web services.

Digital application for parental leave

Criminal record 2.0

A digital criminal record is now available to all. The application process is connected to the new Í payment system, the certificate is instantly available in the final step of the application and it is also sent automatically to the digital mailbox of individuals on My pages in Í The National Registry of Icelanders retrieved 13,500 criminal records last year, of which about 70% were retrieved digitally.

13,500 criminal records means:

  • Approximately 2,250 hours of work for the sDistrict Commissioners staff

  • About 189,000 kilometres that appplicants need to drive

  • About 540,000 minutes of applicants time

It is therefore estimated that the expected savings are 150 million kr. per year, and that is before we explore the positive environmental impacts of less paper use and less driving.

Not only does improved service to citizens lead to more streamlining of each digital process. It is clear that digital transformation greatly simplifies people's lives, saves a lot of time and generates a positive environmental impact.

Digital applications for public and legal aid are in the final stages of testing and are now available on The project was carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice.

More about legal aid on Í

Apostille Certification

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with Digital Iceland, has established a new service for individuals and companies that require an Apostille certification of documents. It is now possible to apply and pay for an Apostille certification of . This new approach will both simplify the application process and save effort for applicants

More about Apostille Certification on Í

Outdated cars

In 2021, 9,600 obsolete cars were processed by the Processing fund. Digital return process at reception centres rose in the first year to 41 percent. This year is looking even better with new log-on services, so companies can be given access to the solution during the year.

Digital P-card

Application for a special P-card for parking now available on Í The application saves about 2,000 trips to the District commissioners for individuals each year.

The application automatically calls for:

  • A medical certificate from Hekla.

  • Retrieves a photo from RLS driving licence database

  • Invite user to submit a new image

  • Returns all the information back to the District Commissioners internal systems

  • ... and finally the District Commissioner prints out the new P-card and mails it to the applicant.

Among projects in progress:

  • Electronic registration of creditors of amendments - In production

  • App for - BETA tests

  • Notification of Accidents to Health Insurance – In production

  • Log on to BETA My company pages

  • Log on to BETA My pages for children

  • Agency-wide system

  • Institutional connections to the Stream (X-Road)

  • Online application for a passort - In production