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Digital Iceland

Newsletter August 2023

31st August 2023

Newsletter of Digital Iceland August 2023.


Digital services increase performance

Over the last few years, a number of government agencies have made great leaps in improving their services through digitalisation. The trend is rapid, much changed in a relatively short period and user demands increase even faster. It is encouraging to keep up with expectations towards the public sector and report the positive effects of digitalisation. The following image is from a recent press conference by the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, where he reviewed the benefits that come from the digitisation of services. Once, it was thought impossible to improve services, save people's time, streamline and have a positive environmental impact all in one dustbin. We are seeing this realised, though, with the digitisation of services.

Digital services increase performance

Connecting the State conference pre-registration

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Pre-registration for Connecting the State - 2023 conference is in full swing, but in early September, detailed information on the agenda will be sent out. There are already over 400 registered and a great deal of interest. Connecting the state is the annual conference of Digital Iceland, where the digital future of government is the topic. The conference will take place on the 22nd of September from 12.30-17, both in Harpa and in streaming. The conference's title is Digital Society and is divided into the sub-themes Digital Leadership, Digital Iceland and Digital Security. This year's conference is held in collaboration with a Nordic Council of Ministers meeting, where Iceland is chair.

Pre-registration to Connecting the State


The progress Iceland has made in digital public services in recent years has attracted worldwide attention, but this summer, a delegation from Barbados joined a study trip to Digital Iceland.


The Ambassador of Malta also visited Digital Iceland in the spring, but the purpose of the visit was to establish relations between the nations. There are great opportunities in communication and cooperation between Malta and Iceland, but Malta has made significant progress in digitising public services in various fields.


The nation's wish list

Users are placed first in all projects undertaken by Digital Iceland. To call for feedback, a national wish list has been set up where users can send in and vote for suggestions that are considered essential to them. The wish list is a way to influence the prioritisation of projects in Digital Iceland.

The nation's wish list

Check if you need a residence permit in Iceland

Those who intend to move to Iceland for longer or shorter periods, for example due to studies or work, may have to apply for a residence permit. To meet the needs of this group, the Directorate of Immigration has set up a simple self-service solution that shortens the delivery time and improves the provision of information.

Check if you need a permit

Health on My pages of Í

The public's access to my information is continually improving at My pages Í The latest addition is access to information on healthcare and dentistry under the Health category. Work is also in progress on a registration procedure for those who wish to change their primary healthcare or register a family dentist for children.

Health on My pages

Working machines on My pages of Í

Construction equipment is the latest addition to the category Vehicles in My Side of Í There the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health communicates information on machinery to owners of machinery.

Work machines on My pages

Iceland a leader in digital services?

Andri Heiðar Kristinsson, Chief Executive Officer of Digital Iceland, and Vigdís Jóhannsdóttir, Chief Marketing Officer of Digital Iceland, discussed digital public services and Iceland's opportunity to be a global leader in that field in podcast named Gagnarak.

Podcast about digital services - in Icelandic

Amongst the projects of Digital Iceland:

  • Decision on estate exchange

  • Ownership of machinery and equipment

  • Renewal of driving licences

  • Í app - finances

  • My pages: Finance, movements during the period

  • My pages: Healthcare and dentist iteration

  • My page: My intellectual property rights

  • My pages: Study summary from INNU

  • My page: Permission of healthcare practitioners

  • Electronic inheritance report

  • My pages: Information on the purchase of life and pharmaceutical certificates

  • Electronic registration of real estate purchase contracts

  • Consultation portal - updated user interface

  • Digital driving licence confirmation at Vínbúðin

  • Digital fishing map

  • Notification of occupational accidents

  • Applications for residence permits

  • Application for renewal of residence permits iteration

  • Application for old-age pension

  • Application for maternity/paternity leave: Permanent foster care and a residence grant

  • Application to a university

  • Application for citizenship iteration

  • Application for authentication

  • Passport application

  • Application for a tachograph card

  • Information website on university studies in Iceland

  • Welfare Quality and Inspection Authority website

  • Icelandic Natural Disaster Insurance on Í

  • Website Rights Watch for Disabled People on Í

  • Icelandic Transport website on Í

  • Icelandic Insurance website on Í

  • Icelandic Administration of Occupational Safety and Health website on Í