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Digital Iceland

Onboarding of teams following 2021 tender

15th October 2021

Digital Icleand onboarded new teams following a software companies tender 2021.

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Digital Iceland greeted new teams following the 2021 tender amongst software companies.

The tender was executed in cooperation with Ríkiskaup (Central Public Procurement) where the goal was to find teams with two types of specialisation. One focusing on self-service solutions and the other focusing on core services and infrastructure. Teams will often work togeather due to the diverse types of projects at Digital Iceland. The process of acceptance was very demanding and twenty teams were approved, ten in each line of specialisation.

Self-service teams:

  • Júní

  • Kolibri ehf

  • Deloitte

  • Origo

  • Hugsmiðjan

  • Stafrænar lausnir

  • Stefna

  • Prógramm

  • Fuglar

  • Advania


  • Andes

  • Júní

  • Deloitte

  • Prógramm

  • Aranja

  • Opin kerfi

  • Origo

  • Advania,

  • Fuglar

  • Miracle

These teams will under the leadership of Digital Iceland support public institutions on their journey towards better digital services.