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Iceland 5th in United Nations ranking

3rd October 2022

In a new United Nations review conducted every other year, Iceland is now ranked 5th out of 193 countries, but was ranked 12th in 2020.

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Iceland still rises in international comparison when it comes to digital public services and infrastructure. In a new United Nations review conducted every other year, Iceland is now ranked 5th out of 193 countries but was ranked 12th in 2020. Of the countries in the top ten in the survey, Iceland is the highest riser between the surveys.

This jump ranks Iceland above nations such as the UK and Estonia, which have been leaders in digital services, and Icelanders have been looking to.

The UN index examines how well the states perform in the Online Service Index, the Human Capital Index, and the Telecommunication Infrastructure Index. Intellectual property and technical infrastructure are the factors that give Iceland the 5th place. Iceland is also one of the most prominent voices in digital public services and is expected to continue to increase in this category. There is a strong emphasis on digitising the service this semester, which means that it will be fully accessible online through applications, payment, and receipt for services.

Last August, Iceland ranked 4th among European countries in digital services, rising by three places between years. It was an annual survey by the European Union (eGovernment Benchmark).

The Government has set the goal of making Iceland a leader in public digital services, and surveys show that work is progressing well. Digital services are already simplifying people's lives, saving time while improving services.

Bjarni Benediktsson, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs:

It is great to see the hard work of the past few years being successful. We have now reached the top five countries in the world in this field, whether the UN or EU are considered. The goal is to go even further and lead the competition on a global scale. We have the potential to do so if we continue to keep busy.

Andri Heiðar Kristinsson, CEO of Digital Iceland:

This review confirms that digital public services in Iceland are ranked among the highest in the world. Our team is encouraged to see our work succeed and this encourages us in continued development.

Read more on the E-Government Development Index.