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Digital Iceland

Iceland takes the stage with global leaders

24th March 2023

Iceland joined the UK, the US, Estonia, and Germany on stage at a conference in London this week.


Digital leaders, executives, and permanent secretaries from all over the world met in London this week and shared the experiences of their nations. This year the conference took place in London's magnificent Central Hall Westminister, where around 50 people took to the podium and shared their experiences with around a thousand conference attendees.

Issues included innovation in government, policy making, digital transformation, public procurement, artificial intelligence, accessibility, strengthening of human resources, public data, and cybersecurity.

Andri Heiðar Kristinsson, CEO of Digital Iceland, joined Megan Lee Devlin, Chief Executive of the Central Digital and Data Office United Kingdom, Clare Martorana, Federal Chief Information Officer, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President, United States of America, Luukas Ilves, Government Chief Officer of Estonia, Mark Palmer, Vice President of VISA Government Solutions Europe and Christina Lang, Chief Executive Officer at Digital Service Germany, on stage.

Andri Heiðar Kristinsson, CEO of Digital Iceland:

Iceland has in recent years been ranked among the leading nations in the world in the government digital services. Other countries have increasingly looked to Iceland as a role model and it is therefore great to have the opportunity to share our methodology along with learning from other nations that have also achieved good results. For a small nation like Iceland it is important not to spend its energy on inventing the wheel but rather to build on what is done well in our neighbouring countries with technological development and innovation as a guiding principle for Icelandic society.

The Global Government Forum Innovation is an annual conference held by the Global Government Forum in collaboration with UK government agencies and ministries. The following parties are present at the conference: HM Government, Cabinet Office, Civil Service, and Government Digital Services.

More about Global Government Forum Innovation