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Digital Iceland

GovJam workshop on the day of public innovation

18th May 2022

Digital Iceland is one of the sponsors of Innovation Week this year, as innovation is an important part of the their projects.

Digital Iceland is one of the sponsors this year, as innovation is an important part of their projects.

Andri Heiðar Kristinsson, managing director of Digital Iceland, held a talk at the opening event of Innovation Week, which took place in Gróska on the 16th of May.

On the day of Government Innovation, on the 17th of May, Digital Iceland hosted a GovJam workshop where people were encouraged to participate in the spirit of improving public services through digital solutions.

Public services are important to all of us and the public got an opportunity to share their ideas on how to simplify people's lives through digital solutions. Experts from Digital Iceland led the workshop.

On the same day of Government Innovation Gunnar Ingi Reykjalín Sveinsson, product owener at Digital Iceland participated in a discussion with Fjóla María Ágússdóttir, leader of the digital development team at the Icelandic Association of Local Authorities. Their conversation focused on the green impact of digital services.