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Digital Iceland

Newsletter October 2021

22nd October 2021

In October the final steps were taken with regard to processing the interdisciplinary tendering of software teams in partnership with Ríkiskaup (Central Public Procurement). Much emphasis has been placed on preparation and planning for the coming season as well as on the implementation of the 20 teams that will be involved in software development with Digital Iceland in the coming m.

Digital Iceland has been operating at full power in its current form for a year and a half, but it has already been able to introduce new processes and greatly improve public services across the institutions. The tasks ahead are both diverse and demanding. Apart from the usual cooperation projects with institutions, a regulation relating to the digital mailbox is under way, but institutions need to have it connected to it by 2025. One of the roles of Digital Iceland is to support organizations on that journey.

This winter we will see a number of institutions move their websites into, we will see a greatly improved login service, a new agency system, new My pages as well as the number of applications in multiplied.

Finance on My Pages BETA

Finance and personal real estate for individuals are now available on My Pages BETA, but these services are part of the final phase of being able to fully service individuals on the enhanced My Pages.

More information on the changes in My pages.

Team reception

The successful reception of the multidisciplinary software teams took place on Thursday 14th of October. The reception was for all the teams that will be involved in software development in the seasons to come to make sure we're all on the same page.

More about the teams

Electronic repossessions

The first electronic repossession of a mortgage bond went through recently, but it was a car loan bond. Mortgage bonds are the third type of repossession document that is implemented on an electronic repossession. Mortgage bonds are today by far the biggest category of documents so it's a big bonus to have this solution in place. Electronic cancellations also overtook manual ones by the end of September.

Read more

NIIS Network Conference

On September 24th NIIS hosted a conference that included how to best utilize the Strait (X-Road) with cloud-based AWS (Amason Web Services) solution. Vigfús Gíslason, the product manager of the Strait at Digital Iceland, spoke at the conference that focused on the development of the Strait in Iceland.

Vigfús's talk on YouTube

Real estate agents electronic

Applications related to the real estate and shipping regulator's approval have now become electronic. One of the major changes is that the authentication can now be paid for by credit card.

Digital Iceland’s projects these days include:

  • Electronic Parliamentary Record of Claims Changes – In Production

  • App for - BETA tests

  • Digital application for maternity leave - User testing

  • The driving learning process from licence to telephone learning - User testing

  • New Regulatory Web - Testing

  • Distribution of payments by general government - In manufacturing

  • Accident Reporting to Health Insurance – In Production

  • Personal real estate on BETA My pages

  • Log-in to BETA My Pages for Business

  • Log-in to BETA My Pages for Children

  • Agents' systems for institutions

  • Institutional Connections to the Stream (X-Road)

  • Application for public and statutory legal actions

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