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Nursing homes and daycare facilities for the elderly

Price list for day-care for the elderly by parties without a price agreement

New price list has taken effect for services provided by day care institutions that are not on a fixed budget in 2024 and are without a price agreement.

The price list includes daily charges for services to health insured individuals in day-care facilities provided by institutions that are not on a fixed budget in 2024 and are without an agreement with Iceland Health.

The amount of co-payment for users of day care services is stated in the regulation on day care for the elderly with subsequent amendments.

The price list specifies prices and the number of spaces that determines the scope of the service covered by the payment participation of Iceland Health. The price list is valid from January 1st 2024.

Contract on services for nursing homes

Iceland Health, the Federation of Corporate Social Services (SFV) and the Federation of Icelandic Municipalities signed an extension of the contract on services for nursing homes on April 1, 2022. That contract took effect on January 1, 2020 and is now extended for 3 years or until March 31, 2025. The contracts are negotiated with each nursing home individually and are unanimous. While long-term extension of the contracts was underway, two short-term extensions were made.

Service provider

Ice­land Health

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