5th April 2024
5th April 2024
Welcome to TR on Ísland.is
Clear information is amongst the things we at TR emphasise in our work. On the website tr.is you can find a lot of information about social security rights and payments. Now we have updated all the material and installed it in an accessible way on the website Ísland.is.
It also has access to TR's My pages and the pension calculator, which is very popular. The website will be open until 10 April, after which we will refer to Ísland.is.
With the move to Ísland.is we want to simplify the search for information on social security and make it easier for users to find information about rights and payments in the system. Part of the move to Ísland.is involves setting up a service website where you can find answers to common questions so that users are led on to find the correct answer. It is a much more powerful service than we have been able to offer so far and a great step forward.
We hope that the transfer of tr.is to Ísland.is will benefit the users of the website as much as possible and we welcome you all to TR on Ísland.is.