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25th September 2024

The proxy functionality of Í login

Digital Iceland has built a proxy system into the login service Innskráning fyrir alla. The proxy system is available free to all public entities.


When an institution starts using the Digital Iceland Login Service, it also allows them to offer their users access to digital services through proxy. The system is based mostly on rights that individuals have through various state registers, such as the National Registry, the Company Registry, and the database of the Disability Rights Administration. In addition, the system offers so-called special mandates, whereby an individual can provide a mandate for certain digital services of the government himself.

With the proxy system, custodians automatically gain access to their children's information, company account holders have access to manage company data, and those registered as personal spokespersons of disabled individuals can carry out their clients' business with access to the Digital Mailbox.

The fourth channel is called a specific mandate, where an individual can give 3rd party access to the data or applications on Í An example of this is when an older parent gives his/her child access to his/her data, an individual gives his/her spouse or friends access, and the holder of the power of attorney gives a bookkeeper access to the financial information of a company.

The proxy system is under constant development to ensure access for all those who choose digital services. Work is underway to further strengthen the proxy system, including the following projects:

  1. Legal detention register - Project in progress
    Ensuring that those who have been appointed legal guardians of individuals can access their client's Digital Mailbox if needed. The project is being carried out in collaboration with the District Commissioners and the National Registry.

  2. Authorisation on paper or in person - Project in progress
    It is important to ensure that those who need to grant authorisation can do so in a convenient manner. On the one hand, the agent can deliver a paper authorisation on behalf of the agent by electronic means, but also that the agent can attend a service center to present an authorization for registration in the Icelandic agency system.

  3. Foster parents - Project not started
    A working group is to be set up by the Ministry of Education and Children’s Affairs to solve the problem that has arisen for foster parents after the beginning of looking at custody rather than legal domicile when parents are given access to data on children.

  4. Children aged 16 - 18 - Project in progress
    Children of this age have various rights, e.g. that their health data is not accessible to guardians. The proxy system will take care of this group and ensure their rights.

In addition, getting corporate board members access to Í, for example, chairmen of boards is in progress.

Alongside the implementation for these four groups, implementation is in full swing within agencies to simplify users' access to digital services. Examples of public services offering this channel are: The Digital Mailbox, My pages Í, the Landspítali app, and a number of applications such as an application for a mortgage book certificate, notification of vehicle ownership change, an application for a certificate of indebtedness etc. More information on the application system and examples of its use can be found on Digital Iceland's website.

Those who cannot use electronic ID for identification and choose not to use third-party assistance through the agency system can continue to receive personal services from all the national institutions.