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8th December 2022

Opening ceremony and 30th anniversary of H&B

On the 17th of November last, the rehabilitation department of HVE Stykkishólmi held an opening ceremony on the occasion of the renovation and expansion of the department's facilities.

Opening ceremony and 30th anniversary of H&B

At the same time, it was welcomed that 30 years have passed since the first individuals were admitted to the hospital for special back pain treatment.

The facility was put into use after renovations and additions last year. spring but due to various circumstances it was not possible to celebrate it until now. An open house was offered at the rehabilitation center, light refreshments and an introduction to the activities, the development of the department and its internal transport during the time it has been operating. Then the work of the back department was presented and people were invited to tour the facility and try out some of the examination and treatment equipment. Doctor Jósep Blöndal, one of the leaders of the Neck and Back Department, added information about the beginning of the work.

Between 40 and 50 guests honored us and special mention should be made of the good wishes of the Lions in Stykkishólmi, who supported the department by 800,000 ISK for the purchase of equipment. The mayor of Stykkishólm and Helgafellsveitar gave the department good wishes. The league has also received a gift of hands and a bicycle, and Lionskonur in Stykkishólmi have given the league proceeds from a cake bazaar before Christmas.

We know everyone who honored us that day with their presence and those who helped us make this happen, thank you very much.

Special thanks also go to everyone who has supported the department in one way or another over the years.