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30th May 2022

Notification of a change in the operator of the nursing home in Stykkishólmi

According to the agreement of Stykkishólmsbær and the Ministry of Health from February 8 HVE Vesturlands will

Notification of a change in the operator of the nursing home in Stykkishólmi

take over the operation of the nursing home's 15 nursing rooms on 1 June n.k. and take care of their operations in the premises at Skólastíg 14a until they are moved to the renovated premises of HVE at Austurgatu 7. Kristín Hannesdóttir, a nurse who has been in charge of the nursing home in Stykkishólmi, has accepted a job at HVE and she, along with most of the staff of the nursing home, will become an employee of HVE from June 1.

It is emphasized that residents in the nursing rooms do not experience a change in the service.

HVE looks forward to tackling this project and welcomes residents and employees.

Attention is drawn to the fact that a new telephone number will be opened on June 1, which is 432-1285.

The email address also changes and becomes