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1st September 2022

Notice regarding the health center in Borgarnes

Due to the lack of doctors at the health center in Borgarnes, services have had to be prioritized recently or since the doctor retired at the end of July.

Map of HVE locations

Now there have been unexpected losses in September, which means that medical positions have had to be filled from day to day. We are hoping for a doctor for a permanent position on September 15th. but it is clear that in the future we are looking forward to difficult times regarding medical staffing.

For the last week, it has been possible to maintain a minimum medical service with one doctor, and at this moment it looks like there will be one doctor at a time until September 15th, but work is being done to try to get more.

While this situation lasts, projects need to be prioritized. As before, the health care staff will always provide emergency services that cannot wait for other solutions.

As the situation is now, it is not possible to book an appointment or telephone appointment with a doctor, but nurses will receive urgent cases and solve them to the best of their ability as the situation allows.