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10th November 2022

New District Medical Director for Disease Control in West Iceland

Chief Medical Officer Þórður Ingólfsson at the HVE health centre in Búðardalur is the new Chief Epidemiologist for the West Iceland quarantine district.

New district doctor of epidemiology in the West-HVE

Þórður Ingólfsson, chief physician at the HVE clinic in Búðardalur is the new District Medical Director for Disease Control in the West Iceland quarantine district, which includes the municipalities of Akranes, Hvalfjarðarsveit, Skorradalshreppur, Borgarbyggð, Eyjaog Miklaholtshreppur, Snæfellsbær, Grundarfjarðarbær, Stykkishólmsbær and Helgafellssveit, Dalabyggð, Reykhólahreppur, Strandabyggð, Kaldranahreppur, Árneshreppur and Húnaþing West.

Þórður has been a district physician for quarantine and a surrogate for Þóris Bergmundsson, the deputy district physician for quarantine, and is therefore familiar with the project.

In addition to Þórður, there are two regional physicians on quarantine, Geir Karlsson, chief physician at the HVE clinic in Hvammstangi and Jóhannes Bergsveinsson, chief physician at the HVE clinic in Akranes.

Þórður is well wished for this new project.

At this milestone, Þórur Bergmundsson is very much thanks to his work as a District Medical Director of Disease Control for many years, and in particular his work on contingency planning and the great and selfless efforts in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic can be mentioned from the first day on.