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22nd November 2023

Advice during uncertain times

Uncertainty can be difficult, especially if the situation is prolonged, and the endpoint is unknown. The following research-based advice may be helpful to protect our well-being.

Taking good care of ourselves and our loved ones

-Updated in June 2024

Uncertainty can be difficult, especially if the situation is prolonged and the endpoint is unknown. In extreme times of disaster, as the people of Grindavík are now going through, it is normal and can be expected that various emotions may arise. People´s emotional and behavioural responses to such situations may vary. It is essential to be aware of your own and loved one´s well-being, show self-compassion and seek help when appropriate. Children may experience and react to difficult events differently from adults. It is therefore important to listen to what they may have to say, be aware of their well-being, allow them to ask questions, and try to answer to the best of their ability. Many factors contribute to our mental, physical, and social well-being. These factors can help when the daily routine may be disrupted during uncertain times. The following research-based advice may be helpful to protect our well-being.

Taking good care of ourselves and our loved ones

We try to take good care of ourselves and share our feelings with our loved ones. We strive to find constructive ways to deal with difficult challenges. Spending time with those we care about may be helpful, e.g., playing cards, walking, doing crafts, reading, or exploring some available leisure options.

Good eating habits

Our appetite can decrease under challenging situations. It is therefore important to keep meals as regular as possible. Choose healthy and varied food rich in natural nutrients, such as vegetables, fruits, berries, whole grains, and fish, and take vitamin D as a supplement.

Physical activity

Being physically active can improve our sleep and mental and physical well-being and strengthen our ability to do daily activities. Walking and any outdoor activity are great ways to nurture physical and mental health. Limiting sedentary time and engaging in small amounts of physical activity is better than nothing.

Maintaining a sleep routine

In times of uncertainty, it is normal for people to have difficulty sleeping, and it may be a challenge to maintain good sleep habits. Sleep positively affects our well-being and helps us cope with daily challenges. A quiet evening routine with dim lighting, relaxation and limiting caffeine and screen time during the evening can contribute to better sleep.

Avoid using alcohol, tobacco, and other intoxicants as a coping mechanism

It is not helpful to use alcohol and smoking to cope with difficult emotions, fear, or anxiety. Alcohol consumption and smoking weaken the immune system and have adverse effects on health and well-being in the long term.

Thoughts affect how we feel

How we think affects how we feel. Practising mindfulness and relaxation can be an excellent way to reduce stress and anxiety. Paying attention to the positive things in our lives helps by remembering three things to be thankful for every day, at the dinner table or before bed.

Kindness and compassion

Seeing ourselves as part of a larger context and maintaining good connections with others helps us cope with difficult situations. It may be helpful to accept support from others and offer support back to the best of our ability.

In uncertain situations, it is normal to worry. Still, if worrying has become excessive and has started to control individuals’ lives and cause significant distress, anxiety, or sleep problems, it is essential to seek help. Assistance can, for example, be found at the following places:

  • For severe and acute problems: Emergency reception of Landspítali´s psychiatric services.

  • Grindavík service team. You can request consultation by sending a request or calling 5450200 between 10:30 and 12:00 Monday to Thursday.

  • Health care telephone consultation, phone number 513-1700. Open 08-22 every day.

  • Health care online chat. Open 08-22 every day.

  • 24/7 telephone medical consultations, phone number 1700.

  • Red Cross telephone helpline, 1717, open 24/7.

  • Red Cross online chat,, open 24/7 (Icelandic, English, Polish)

  • The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland offers spiritual care, provided by ministers. Requests can be made by contacting

  • Primary healthcare clinics

Additional information and advice about well-being and how to work with the above factors can be found at