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14th September 2022

Health clinic in Akranes - Vaccination

Influenza vaccination and covid booster dose

Last day of vaccination in Akranes 16 March n.k.

The National Health Service recommends that the influenza vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine be given to risk groups at the same time if the timing of the last COVID-19 vaccination allows (at least 4 months have passed).

Only those who are in a risk group have the opportunity to be vaccinated against influenza on the advertised days. The following are classified as a risk group:

All persons aged 60 and over.

  • All children and adults suffering from chronic heart, lung, kidney and liver diseases, diabetes, malignant diseases and other immunosuppressive diseases.

  • Pregnant women.

  • Healthcare professionals who care for individuals in the risk groups listed above.

Vaccination will take place in the Jaðarbökkum gymnasium
September 19th - Between: 10-12 and 13-15
October 4th - Between Kl: 09-12 and 13-15

Appointments for Influenza vaccination by phone 432 1000, no need to make an appointment for Covid vaccination but attend at the advertised time.