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5th January 2022

Gifts from the Hollvinasamtökum HVE

Just before the new year, the Hollvina association donated three hospital beds to the HVE institution, two Eleganza II beds, along with a bedside trapeze/handle and Dynaform Mercury mattress and one Latera Therma bed as a rolling bed.

Gifts from the Hollvina Association HVE

When the board of the Hollvina association HVE began a collection campaign to purchase new hospital beds nearly three years ago, support was sought and many companies, organisations as well as individuals from Akranesi, Borgarbyggð, Dalabyggð, Hvalfjarðarsveit og Strandabyggð contributed. From the time the first beds were delivered in the spring of 2019 until now, 28 beds have been collected with great effort, which is an amazing result.

Hollvinasamtökum HVE and all those who contributed to the project are thanked for their important contribution in improving the working environment of patients in the past three years.

This collection was undertaken by the following entities:

Bifreiðastöð ÞÞÞ Akranesi,
Brim hf,
DalaJötnar efh Búðardal,
FEBAN-kórinn/Karlakórinn Svanir og Tamango á Akranesi,
Gísli S. Jónsson efh. Akranesi
Halldór B. Hallgrímsson,
Kiwanisklúbburinn Þyrill á Akranesi,
Kvenfélag Borgarness,
Kvenfélagið 19. júní Hvanneyri,
Lionsklúbbur Borgarness,
Sigur-Garðar sf Borgarbyggð,
Sparisjóður Strandamanna,
Til minningar um Sigríði Guðjónsdóttur,
Trélausnir sf Borgarbyggð,
Trésmiðjan Akur Akranesi,
Verkalýðsfélag Akraness,
Vignir G. Jónsson efh,
and also parties who did not wish to be named.

Gjafir frá Hollvinasamtökum HVE
Gjafir frá Hollvinasamtökum - mynd