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29th April 2024

Dashboard about participation in breast and cervical cancer screening

An interactive dashboard with information on participation in cancer screenings has now been published on the Directorate of Health‘s website.

Lit ISL ENG Stort

-Automatic translation

An interactive dashboard with information on participation in cancer screenings has now been published on the Directorate of Health‘s website. The dashboard is intended to improve access to statistical data on participation in breast and cervical cancer screening. The dashboard includes the participation rate, the number of screenings, the screening mammogram recall rates and colposcopy referral rates. In the dashboard, it is possible to view participation using selected background parameters.

The dashboard will be developed further and will be updated once a year. At the same time, annual reports will be published as in the past two years.

The dashboard is based on data from the Cancer Screening Register, a database and information system that contains data on screening invitations, attendance and screening results of all women who have attended cancer screenings.

Cancer screening is an organised examination of a group of asymptomatic individuals. In Iceland, cervical and breast cancer screening is carried out nationwide. The screening group's regular participation is necessary for the screening program's results. Detecting cancer at an early/pre-stage can lower the incidence of the disease being screened for and improve survival.

Further information
Kjartan Hreinn Njálsson, assistant to the Medical Director of Health