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7th October 2022

A lawyer's free exciting and demanding job at GEV

The Welfare Quality and Inspection Authority (GEV) advertises the work of a lawyer at the institution. The Institute's legal team is a challenging and exciting job.

Fréttamynd GEV

The agency monitors the quality of services provided on the basis of, inter alia, the Child Protection Act, the Children and Family Agency Act, the Local Authorities' Social Services Act, the Act on Services for Disabled People with Long-term Support Needs, the Act on the Affairs of the Elderly, the Act on the Centre for Counselling and Analysis, the Act on the Centre for Services and Knowledge for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Individuals with Integrated Visual and Hearing Impairment and the Act on the Integration of Services for the Benefit of Children.

The objective of GEV operations is to ensure that the services subject to the supervision of the Administration are sound, secure and in accordance with the provisions of law, regulations, rules, contracts and guidelines. Next semester, a variety of important tasks lie ahead for GEV in developing quality standards in welfare services in Iceland. The quality criteria are the cornerstone for the supervision of services and the requirements set out for individual licences. The main tasks at GEV include, in addition, the publication of key figures for the operations, development of permitting processes, processing of permit applications, initiative monitoring of quality of service, larger monitoring tasks, handling of complaints and tips about services and serious incidents. The work involves interaction with numerous stakeholders.

The GEV employs an ambitious and enthusiastic group of experts who are passionate about the field. The aim is to find an ambitious, positive and disciplined individual who is willing to work on the legal team of the institution and challenges professionalism, initiative and cooperation.

Main tasks and responsibilities

  • Processing of tasks in the Institute's legal team.

  • Survey and processing of complaints.

  • Participation in investigation and processing of serious incidents.

  • Participation in comments on legislative amendments and the elaboration of regulations.

  • Legal advice in other Institute teams.

  • Communication with service recipients, public institutions and partners.

  • Cooperation and participation in projects across the Institute's team.

Educational and competence requirements

  • A Master's in Law is a requirement.

  • Experience of public administration is a prerequisite.

  • Knowledge of the main policy areas and laws subject to supervision by the Authority is a requirement.

  • Knowledge and experience of project management is an advantage.

  • excellent human relations skills and smooth cooperation.

  • Professionalism and independence in working methods.

  • Good command of Icelandic and English in speech and writing.

The application deadline is 17 October 2022. Wages according to a collective agreement made by the Minister of Finance and the relevant trade union. This is a permanent appointment with a 6 month probationary period. The person concerned should be able to commence work as soon as possible, but the position should be granted from 1 December 2022.

For further information on the work, Herdís Gunnarsdóttir, director of the Welfare Quality and Healthcare Authority, .

The application must be accompanied by a CV containing information on education and previous employment. An information letter stating the reasons for the applicant's competence to perform the job must also be included. The decision to be hired will, in addition to the above competence criteria, take into account the performance of the job interview, the performance of possible assignments that need to be solved and the comments that are obtained. Applications shall be valid for six months from the deadline for applications. People of all genders are encouraged to apply. All applications will be answered once the decision on engagement has been made.