Name stamps for manufacturers and importers of precious metals
Purity stamps
Purity stamps
A purity stamp is the only confirmation people have on the percentage of precious metal in an item. A purity stamp is a three-digit stamp that indicates the purity that sellers promise when selling the product. For example the purity stamp 585 indicates that the product contains 58,5% pure gold.
The following table shows which purity is recognized in Iceland and is shown in the stamp.
Precious metals | Standard purity |
Gold | 375, 585, 750, 916 |
Silver | 800, 830, 925 eða 800S, 8308S, 925S |
Platinum | 850, 950, 950 eða 850Pt, 900Pt, 950Pt |
Palladium | 500, 950 eða 500Pd, 950Pd |
More about purity stamps
Service provider
Housing & Construction Authority