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The Í App

-Automatic translation

InterRAI (Resident Assessment Instrument) is a comprehensive interdisciplinary instrument that evaluates the need for nursing and the health of nursing home residents, emphasising quality and safety of care.

The results of the interRAI assessments are used in nursing home audits conducted by the Directorate of Health to monitor whether the service meets professional standards and the provisions of health legislation at any given time.

The InterRAI assessment tool was developed in the United States in the 1980s and has been translated and adapted worldwide: Inter-RAI.

Further information: Quality indicators in healthcare

InterRAI assessment and electronic registration

To ensure data security and data protection, all data is encrypted in communications. By collecting the data into a central database, it is possible to get a complete picture of the health and condition of older people in all nursing homes in Iceland. Each institution has access to its data.

The utility of interRAI assessment is unequivocal:

  • It contributes to individualised treatment and more targeted nursing care.

  • It allows monitoring the quality of the service and carrying out improvements if necessary.

KPMG's assessment of InterRAI assessment instrument and Nursing Home Pre-Admission Assessment. May 2018. (Icelandic)

Memorandum from the Directorate of Health to the Minister of Health on KPMG's assessment of InterRAI assessment instruments and Nursing Home Pre-Admission Assessment. June 2018 (Icelandic)