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Social Insurance Administration
Settlement and collection
Social Insurance Administration
Settlement and collection
Settlement of estates.
Annual settlement of pension payments
Which currencies are used for re-calculation?
I got a large debt from the settlement that I will have difficulty paying, what can I do?
The credit from settlement was incorporated into an earlier debt. Can't I get it paid?
I resolved my capital income in one sitting in the year of settlement, which had the effect of reducing my pension rights, is there anything you can do about that?
I had a low income in addition but I get a large debt from the accounts, what is the main explanation for that?
How are foreign income tax receivable treated?
Will payments from insurance companies reduce pension rights?
Do grants affect pension rights?
Income that came before you took out your pension, is it supposed to be a factor in the reduction in payments?
Can TR use the spouse's financial income to reduce pension rights?
What if the income from the tax return belongs to other years?
I received a letter about tax changes from RSK due to changes in pension rights at TR, is that normal?
My income increased during the year but I changed my income plan, why do I have a debt?
When are settlement credits paid out?
Why do I still owe a settlement even though I have submitted a new tax return?
Why am I getting paid less than usual?
How do I make sure I don't get overpaid?
Collection of debt
Do I pay interest when I pay back a debt due to settlement?
I can't pay a claim until the end of the month, is that ok?
Can I deduct a debt from the payments I am receiving from you?
I need to postpone the billing because I can't pay now, is that possible?
What happens if I refuse to pay a debt?
I need to make a transfer to you because of a debt, should I notify you?
Can I repay the debt with monthly payments?
Do I owe you?
Objections to settlement
Just got a claim from you but it's a mistake, I shouldn't owe TR anything?
My spouse and I divorced during the year, but the financial income of the ex-spouse was used to reduce pension rights after the divorce. What can be done?
Can you object to the results of the recalculation and how do I do so?
Settlement of estate
Is the estate or its heirs entitled to receive a credit?
Does the estate or its heirs need to repay debts due to overpaid rights?
Some of the income from the tax return came from the death of a pensioner but was used to recalculate payments, so what?
Can I get a paid credit from an estate?
Can I know whether an estate owes Tryggingastofnun or has a credit before settlement of yearly payments is made?
I need a grace period to pay a debt of an estate until assets are sold