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Exemption to work in a position without required rights

Exemptions to work on vessels other then passenger and cargo vessels

If there is difference between the Icelandic version and the English, the Icelandic version is valid.

Dispensation for a specified capacity have been incorporated into the new Act on Ship Crews. Under the Act, the Icelandic Transport Authority may, in exceptional circumstances, gran a dispensation to a person to serve on a particular ship, even if he or she is not qualified, but not for longer than 6 months. The dispensation may only be granted to a person who has a certificate for the capacity immediately below or who has completed the required studies to obtain a certificate for the position for which the exemption is applied for. A dispensation shall not be granted in the capacity of master or chief engineer officer except in circumstances of force majeure and then only for the shortest possible period.

A dispensation may not be granted that violates the provisions of international conventions, e.g. STCW and STCW-F Conventions.

  • Act No. 82/2022 on Ship Crews.

  • Regulation No. 944/2020 on Certificates of Competency for masters, deck officers and marine engineer officers serving on board fishing vessels, coast guard vessels and other vessels.

Exemptions to work on vessels other then passenger and cargo vessels

Exemptions to work on vessels other then passenger and cargo vessels