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The drawings that have been submitted to the National Archives are from public bodies, self-employed architects or from architectural firms. When searching for drawings it is useful to have information about who drew or by whom, construction year, contractors and even the work number.

Local construction representatives are required to submit their drawings to their district office. Many municipalities have also published their drawings in a web-based display, see for example. If a district office is not operated in the municipality of the relevant construction representative, his/her data is required to be submitted to the National Archives, see Article 14.

The preservation of house drawings varies, however, as the older the drawings are, it can be more difficult to find them. The oldest drawings that are preserved in the National Archives have been photographed and posted on the web It also publishes extracts of fields and vegetable gardens made by the breeding association of North Iceland and the Icelandic Farmers’ Association. Most of the extracts were made in 1916–1920.

Among the main drawing collections in the National Archives are:

  • The state’s master of houses

  • Agricultural Construction Authority / Agricultural drawing office

  • Drawings from the Ministry of Education

  • Housing Administration of Iceland

  • Cartoon Office of the Icelandic Confederation of Labour / New Cartoon Office

  • Sales Centre of the express freezers

Inquiry for drawings