Application for a permission to burn withered grass
Owners and holders of farms on agricultural estates may apply for a licence to burn withered grass between 1st of April and 1st of May each year.
Otherwise, the burning of withered grass is prohibited.
The licence can be applied for from 1st March each year and the application is processed no later than 10 days after it is received.
No burning of withered grass may be carried out where the public may be in danger or where it can damage:
Natural phenomena
Bird life
Lying or tree roots
The licence costs ISK 12.000 and is to be paid to the District Commissioner where the license is sought.
The application must include:
name and ID number of the responsible party
what is the purpose of the burning and the reasoning for its necessity
how fire spread will be limited
fire-fighting water availability, preparedness and response plan
the estimated timing of the burning
Attachment data
Drawing and description of the area where it is desired to burn
Copy of references and approvals of relevant equipment federation
Copies of the comments and approvals of the relevant health committee
Copy of the comments and approvals of the fire department concerned
The application must be sent to the District Commissioner's office in the district where the burning is to take place. The District Commissioner shall review the application and issue a licence if all the conditions are met.
Complaint period
Appeals against decisions by the District Commissioner may be lodged with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources within three months of receipt.
Role of responsible party/licensee
The holder of a licence to burn withered grass must:
notify neighbours of the permit and the planned timing of the burning (for example in e-mail)
notify the Environment Agency in writing of the area burned within a month of the burning.
The licence holder or guarantor of the burning must be present at the time of the burn.
The burning of withered grass must be carried out with the utmost care and care not to cause unnecessary disturbance or discomfort.
If you don't have electronic ID, you can (Only in Icelandic)
Service provider
District Commissioners