Airports in Iceland
Airport category
International airports in Iceland are certified according to Regulation 75/2016. Other categories of airports in Iceland are only required to register, serve domestic flights and generally do not fully meet the requirements of international airports. Airport operators must apply for operating licences. Licences are of two types; certificates and certified registration.
Airports (International Airports) certified under Regulation 75/2016
Akureyri Airport
Egilsstaðir Airport
Keflavík Airport
Reykjavik Airport
Airport II
No Category II airport is currently registered in Iceland
Registered Landing site
About sixty landing sites are registered in Iceland, see AIP-Icelandic Aeronautical Information Publication for further details.
No heliport is currently registered in Iceland.
Cleared landing and take-off area
Such areas are completely uncertified by the Icelandic Transportation Authority and landings outside certified airports are the sole responsibility of the commander in question.
if the landing and take-off area is being considered as an airport according to the Regulation, the area must be registered as an airport
It is prohibited to operate a regulated airport with no approved registration
Certification of aerodromes
Certification of airports in Iceland began in 2004, with the first regulation on airports issued in Iceland. Currently, international airports are certified according to regulations of the European Union Agency for Aviation Safety (EASA).
Airport regulations mostly reflect Annex 14, Part I of the Chicago Convention regarding airports certified under Regulation 75/2016.
Icelandic international airports are certified according to Regulation 75/2016.
Other airports under Regulation 464/2007, mainly covers Category II and Category II airports in the area of registered landings.
Airport planning rules
Keflavík Airport

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority