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Travel document for refugees

Travel document for refugees

A person granted international protection who resides lawfully in Iceland can apply for a travel document for refugees to travel abroad.


Applications can only be submitted in paper form, either to the drop box in the lobby of the Directorate of Immigration at Dalvegur 18 in Kópavogur or by sending the application by regular mail to the same address. Applications can also be handed in and paid for in the Directorate’s reception or at the offices of District Commissioners outside the capital area.

The application must be in its original form, duly completed and signed by the applicant or the custodial parent/parents in the case of children younger than 18.

Processing fee

The fee for an application is 6.000 ISK, see information on how to pay the processing fee.

Supporting documents

  • If the applicant is in possession of a passport issued by his/her home country or a travel document issued by any other country, he/she must return them with an application.

  • If an applicant has previously been issued a refugee travel document from the Directorate of Immigration, he/she must return it with an application for a new travel document.

Application approved

Once an application has been approved, the applicant will be given an appointment to have his/her photo taken.

When the travel document is ready, the applicant must retrieve it and pay a 6 000 ISK processing fee.

Application rejected

The issuing of a refugee travel document may be refused

  • The identity of the applicant has not been established or doubt exists as to his/her identity.

  • An applicant is wanted by the police, a warrant has been issued for his/her arrest or he/she is subject to a prohibition of departure.

  • An applicant has received a final conviction of a very grave crime and is deemed a danger to society.

  • When foreign policy or reasons concerning the security of the state militate against it.

Rights and obligations

If a refugee travel document is lost or destroyed, the police and the Directorate of Immigration shall be notified thereof immediately by completing this form.


A refugee travel document shall be revoked when

  • the holder of the document is expelled

  • the holder acquires a travel document from his/her home country

  • the holder loses his/her refugee status by obtaining Icelandic citizenship or citizenship of another state or loses the status in another manner

  • the holder is prohibited by law from leaving Iceland

  • departure from Iceland would be in violation of a court verdict or ruling or an official decision

  • the appearance or content of the document has been unlawfully altered.

A refugee travel document may be revoked when

  • it has been damaged or is unfit for use for other reasons

  • the photograph or information in the document are inconsistent with the holder’s identifying features

  • it is found in the keeping of an unauthorised person

  • the holder no longer has a permit to reside in Iceland.


The travel document for refugees is issued on the basis of Article 46, paragraph 1 of the Foreign Nationals Act, Article 1 of the Passports Act and Article 17 of the Regulation on Icelandic Passports.

Travel document for refugees